Certain agricultural lands including paddy lands are cannot be converted without obtaining sanction as contemplated under Kerala Land Utilization Order, 1967. Later on, the Government of Kerala has enacted the Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 was framed to protect the paddy land and wetlands in Kerala. This contemplated the preparation of ‘Data Bank” identifying the paddy land. If the lands are not shown as paddy land in the Data Bank which has been filled up before 12-08-2008, then permission has to be obtained from the Revenue Divisional Officer for which conversion fees has to be paid.
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Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008
Posted by
P. B. Sahasranaman
May 1, 2021
Last updated on October 14, 2022
P. B. Sahasranaman is a lawyer at the Kerala High Court with over 34 years of practice, with a focus on Environmental Laws. His expertise includes Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) and other environment-related laws. He has also compiled several books related to Environmental Law and have attended several seminars and meeting in India and abroad.
He is also a former member of the Kerala Law Reforms Commission headed by Justice V R Krishna Iyer. Currently, he is the Vice President of the Sarada Krishna Satgamaya Foundation for Law and Justice (formerly known as Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer Foundation).
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